Surviving the Haters: How to Stay Happy When Everyone Else is Miserable.

Have you ever encountered people who want to bring you down? It could be your boss, your co-worker, or even your friend. These people can be a real challenge to deal with, but it doesn’t have to ruin your day or your life. In fact, there are ways to be happy and stay positive even when people want to pull you down.

One of the first things we can do is to control our emotions. It’s easy to get upset or angry when someone is trying to bring us down, but that only makes things worse. Instead, we can take a deep breath and try to stay calm. We can also try to see things from their perspective and understand why they are behaving this way. This can help us respond in a more constructive and positive manner.

Another important thing we can do is to focus on the positive things in our lives. When someone is trying to bring us down, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and feelings. But if we focus on the good things in our lives, we can maintain a more positive outlook. We can also surround ourselves with positive people who support us and lift us up, rather than trying to bring us down. By doing these things, we can be happy and stay positive even when people want to pull us down.

Why People Want to Pull You Down

It’s a sad reality that some people want to pull us down. We can’t control their actions, but we can control our reactions. Understanding why people want to pull us down can help us deal with them better. Here are a few reasons why people want to pull us down.


Jealousy is a common reason why people want to pull us down. They might be jealous of our success, our relationships, or our happiness. Jealousy can make people do nasty things to bring us down. They might spread rumors, talk behind our backs, or even sabotage our efforts.


Insecurity is another reason why people want to pull us down. They might feel threatened by our presence, our skills, or our talents. Insecurity can make people act out of fear and try to bring us down to their level. They might belittle us, criticize us, or try to make us feel inferior.

Understanding these reasons can help us deal with people who want to pull us down. We can empathize with their feelings and not take their actions personally. We can also take steps to protect ourselves from their negativity.

For example, we can surround ourselves with positive people who uplift us and support us. We can also focus on our own goals and not let their actions distract us. We can practice self-care and do things that make us happy, like exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

Remember, we can’t control other people’s actions, but we can control our reactions. Let’s choose to rise above their negativity and focus on our own happiness.

How to Handle Negative Comments

Dealing with negative comments can be tough, but it’s important to remember that we don’t have to take it personally. Here are some tips for handling negative comments:

Don’t Take it Personally

When someone makes a negative comment, it’s easy to feel hurt or upset. But it’s important to remember that their negative comments say more about them than they do about us. We can’t control what other people say or do, but we can control how we respond to it. So, instead of taking their comments personally, we can choose to let it go and move on with our day.

Respond with Kindness

Responding to negative comments with kindness can be a great way to diffuse the situation. When someone says something negative, we can choose to respond with a kind word or gesture. This can help to shift the energy of the conversation and make it more positive. We can also choose to respond with humor, which can be a great way to lighten the mood and make everyone feel better.

It’s important to remember that we don’t have to engage in negative conversations. If someone is being negative or hurtful, we can choose to walk away or end the conversation. We don’t have to subject ourselves to negativity or let it bring us down.

In summary, when dealing with negative comments, it’s important to not take it personally and respond with kindness. We can choose to let it go and move on with our day, or respond in a way that diffuses the situation and makes it more positive. Remember, we don’t have to engage in negativity and can choose to walk away if necessary.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

When we are surrounded by negative people, it can be challenging to maintain our happiness and motivation. Therefore, it’s essential to surround ourselves with positive people who uplift us and support us in our endeavors. Here are a few ways to surround ourselves with positive people:

Find Supportive Friends

We all need friends who support us and believe in us. Therefore, it’s crucial to find friends who share our values and goals. These friends will help us stay focused and motivated, and they will be there for us when we need them.

We can find supportive friends by joining clubs or groups that align with our interests. We can also attend events or seminars that relate to our goals. By doing so, we will meet like-minded individuals who share our passions and beliefs.

Join a Community

Joining a community is an excellent way to surround ourselves with positive people. Communities can provide us with a sense of belonging and support, and they can help us achieve our goals.

We can join communities that align with our interests or goals. For example, if we want to improve our fitness, we can join a gym or fitness group. If we want to learn a new skill, we can join a workshop or class.

By joining a community, we will meet people who share our interests and goals. We can learn from them, support them, and be supported by them.

Surrounding ourselves with positive people is essential for our happiness and well-being. By finding supportive friends and joining a community, we can create a positive and uplifting environment that will help us achieve our goals and maintain our happiness.

Focus on Your Goals

When people try to pull us down, it can be easy to lose sight of our goals and get caught up in negativity. However, focusing on our goals is crucial to staying positive and achieving happiness. Here are some tips on how to stay focused on your goals:

Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is key to staying motivated and avoiding disappointment. We should aim to set goals that are challenging but achievable. It’s important to break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help us feel more accomplished and motivated as we make progress towards our ultimate goal.

Celebrate Small Wins

Celebrating small wins is a great way to stay motivated and positive. We should take time to acknowledge and celebrate the progress we’ve made, no matter how small it may seem. This can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals.

We can celebrate small wins in many ways, such as treating ourselves to something we enjoy, sharing our progress with friends and family, or simply taking a moment to reflect on our accomplishments. By celebrating our small wins, we can build momentum and stay motivated towards achieving our larger goals.

In conclusion, focusing on our goals is crucial to staying positive and achieving happiness, especially when people try to pull us down. By setting realistic goals and celebrating small wins, we can stay motivated and focused on our path towards happiness.

Take Care of Yourself

When people try to bring us down, it’s important to take care of ourselves. Here are some ways we can do that:

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to take care of ourselves. It helps us release endorphins, which can improve our mood and reduce stress. Plus, it’s a great way to take a break from the negativity and focus on something positive.

We don’t have to do anything too intense, just find an activity we enjoy and make it a regular part of our routine. Whether it’s going for a walk, doing some yoga, or hitting the gym, regular exercise can help us feel better both physically and mentally.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is all about taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. It’s important to prioritize our own needs and make time for activities that make us happy and relaxed.

Some self-care activities we can try include:

  • Taking a relaxing bath or shower
  • Reading a book or watching a movie
  • Spending time in nature
  • Cooking a healthy meal
  • Getting a massage or practicing meditation

By taking care of ourselves, we can better handle the negativity that comes our way. We’ll feel more confident, relaxed, and happy, which will make it easier to deal with any challenges that come our way.

Remember, we deserve to be happy and healthy, no matter what anyone else says or does. So let’s focus on taking care of ourselves and living our best lives.


Dealing with people who want to bring us down can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. We can take control of our own happiness and not let others dictate how we feel. Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Recognize that it’s not about us: When people try to bring us down, it’s often because of their own insecurities, jealousy, or other personal issues. It’s not a reflection of our worth or value as a person.
  • Surround ourselves with positive people: We can choose to spend time with people who uplift us and make us feel good about ourselves. We don’t have to tolerate toxic relationships that bring us down.
  • Focus on our own goals and passions: When we have something we’re passionate about, it’s easier to ignore the negativity of others. We can channel our energy into something positive and fulfilling.
  • Practice self-care: Taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally is essential to our well-being. We can prioritize activities that make us feel good, whether it’s exercise, meditation, or simply taking a relaxing bath.
  • Keep a sense of humor: Sometimes, the best way to deal with negativity is to laugh it off. We can find the humor in difficult situations and not take ourselves too seriously.

Remember, we have the power to control our own happiness. By focusing on the positive and surrounding ourselves with supportive people, we can overcome the negativity of others and live a fulfilling life.

About Stuart C.

I am a licensed art Therapist LPAT, ATR-BC, I am also a clinical counselor for the past 25 years. I enjoy helping people work through life's challenges in a variety of ways so you can see what best works for you.
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