How to live the life you want by asking the right question.

How to live the life you want by asking the right questions.

“Why am I so successful”. after saying that question how do you feel?

“Why am I a loser?” after saying that question how do you feel?

“I am successful” after saying that affirmation statement how do you feel?

Notice a difference. Your brain will solve both questions and respond to the question. The first question focusing on a positive answer will make you feel confident and energized. The second question will make you focus on proving why you are a loser and you will feel discouraged and depressed. The final affirmation may not feel congruent with how you truly feel and your subconscious may resist it and possibly reject it completely.  The key is to ask energizing questions

Our subconscious is designed to solve problems and answer questions.


Our subconscious is just like the search engine google. In google you type in a question and solutions come up. If it is not the right answer then what do you do? You create and write a new question in googles search engine to get the solution you are looking for. Asking your self questions is no different.


If we ask the question in the positive then our brain will work over time on focusing on what we are doing right to give us the results we want. Once it does then we become conscious of it and take action. This is not a magic pill it does take effort.

Have you ever asked yourself.

Why does it feel like I am always stuck?

We already ask ourselves question but usually in a negative form. Our primal brains  are designed for our survival and to move us away from pain and perceived threats.


When starting something new our brain looks at all new change as perceived threats. Believing change will end in pain or death. Our brain is trying to help use but it in reality it is working off of old rules and is keeping us in a mode of suffering. (the brains response to this “but I keep you alive”.


When the brain acknowledges change is about to happen it begins analyzing and focusing on what can go wrong. During this it will use the “What if” statements such as: “What if I get rejected?,  What if I am laughed at?”, “What if I am humiliated?”.”What if I will die” Our survival brain will decide it is not worth it and then we do not do it. It keeps us from fully living unless we make some changes.

If you have every read self help books you may have come across the recommendation to say affirmations to get what you want. however, my guess is if you are reading this then that did not work.

So what now?…

The idea is to use your primal brain. Your subconscious brain to work for you in a very deliberate way. 


The key is to ask ourselves questions to focus on solutions rather then focus on the problems.


For example, instead of having your subconscious answer the questions “why am I a loser?”, ask the question “Why am I so successful”. The loser question will focus on all the reasons why you are a loser and you will feel more depressed and discouraged. Asking yourself “Why am I so successful” will help you feel more confident and energized while having your subconscious work on letting your know why your are successful.

Here is my recommendation. write down 5-10 question that support a behavior or feeling you want in your life. Then read them and feel them at least 2 times a day. I recommend right after you wake up and when you are in bed to go to sleep.

Also, Give yourself some quiet time after you read them so you can listen for any responses. Write your list now and I challenge you to read them for 66 days straight. Change is in the air. Do it now! Enjoy!

For more information google: Noah St John, Afformations. 

Here are some ideas to get you started. 

-Why am I so successful?

-Why is it so easy to lose weight?

-Why am I so healthy?

-Why is sobriety so fun?

-Why is is so easy to find a job that I love?

– Why are sober people so fun and interesting?

-Why is it so easy to feel meaning in what I do.?

-Why are people so kind to me?

– Why am I so rich?

-Why is it so easy to attract loving supportive people into my life?

-Why is it so easy to be with people who respect me?

-Why am I enough?

– Why is it so easy to save money?

– Why is it so easy to sleep at night?

– Why do I feel so loved?

– Why am I so Lucky?

– Why am I so kind

– Why do good things always come my way?


Let me know how it goes.

My best, Stuart

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